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Muddy Buddys New Membership Application

Waiver of Liability
The following is a permanent release, waiver of liability, and indemnity agreement associated with Muddy Buddys members and guests.

For participation in any and all events sponsored, held or promoted by the Muddy Buddys, the undersigned, as a member in good standing, hereby agree to release and hold harmless any owners, sponsors, trail guides, and owners of public and private lands where events are held.

y affixing his/her signature (via initials), the undersigned understands and accepts full responsibility and risk for any property damage, injury, or death to himself/herself and any or all of his/her passengers, whether riding in his/hers vehicle or standing or moving on or near any trail, parking area or gathering area while participating in these events.

In signing this release, the member hereby also agrees that he/she has read, understands, and agrees to all the foregoing Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement. 


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